In a few days, the United States will inaugurate as its president one of the least experienced politicians in modern times. Known for intemperate opinions and unreflective statements, his actions mean fundamental changes both internally and worldwide. In the UK, the unfolding implications of Brexit will profoundly impact European realities. The Humanities After Brexit and Trump, a six week reading group, will provide an opportunity to consider the implications of these world-altering events. The first session, on Tuesday, Jan. 31, will examine the overlap between Brexit and the election of Trump, focusing on the re-emergence of right-wing populist sentiments as a driving force. The course is being convened by Rose Levinson, Ph.D., a research fellow at the Institute of English Studies. She brings her experiences as an adjunct professor at the University of San Francisco to bear upon these discussions.
For further information and to register:
Hi, I think this is a great idea and I’ve signed up to attend. However, I’m wondering if, as a reading group, and looking at the excellent (but long) reading list, if there might be 2-3 articles or chapters that might be especially useful for us to read? (Sorry, I appreciate this is a sort of irritating request, and perhaps I missed something).