Organisers: Giles Mandelbrote (Lambeth Palace Library); Dr. Keith A. Manley (National Trust); Dr. Raphaële Mouren (Warburg Institute); Professor Isabel Rivers (Queen Mary).
This seminar series concentrates on examining all aspects of the provision of libraries during all periods of history and all countries. Talks are based on substantial original research and are usually by established researchers; but we do encourage new students to present their research as well.
Most seminars will take place this session in the Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London, WC1H 0AB, unless otherwise stated. All are welcome.
Meetings usually take place monthly during term-time on Tuesdays, commencing at 17:30.
You can follow the History of Libraries team on twitter, and follow the trend #histlibraries:
Enjoy exploring London? Love libraries? 2 weeks today is 'London 1708: a walk into library history'. Do join us:
— History of Libraries (@HistLibraries) March 25, 2017
Great evening out at @lampallib with @RochesterCathed Library at the "Liturgical Books and the Medieval Library" talk by Dr Tessa Webber.
— Emily May (@birosandarrows) June 7, 2017
Matthew Griffis this morning on segregated Carnegie libraries #h2 #sharp17 #histlibraries #race
— Katherine McDonough (@khetiwe24) June 12, 2017
The History of Libraries’ programme for 2016/17 included papers on the diaries of the bibliographer and cataloguer, Robert Proctor; Winchester College Fellows’ Library; the Innerpeffray Library in Scotland; the Thomas Plume Library in Maldon; Public library architecture; and medieval liturgical books. Speakers came from Scotland and the University of Illinois, as well as from England.
The History of Libraries Seminars will start from 3 October 2017, but to find out information on the seminars for the 2017/18 academic year, you can follow the link to the IES website or go directly to the seminar schedule.
If you wish to delve further into the History of Libraries Seminars, then follow the link to their active twitter where you can find details on topics and themes to be discussed, as well as information who on to contact.