Volupté is an online journal of Decadence from antiquity to the present. It appears each year in Spring and Autumn, and brings together in themed issues creative and critical approaches to the fast-growing field of Decadence studies.
The aim of Volupté is to enhance and broaden the scope of Decadence studies and stimulate discussion in relation to literary Decadence and other forms of discourse, including Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, and Science. Peer-reviewed essays and book reviews will be published alongside new translations, poetry, short fiction, and visual art. Based at Goldsmiths, University of London, Volupté is dedicated to promoting cutting-edge work by creative writers and artists and publishing the best research on Decadence by early career and established scholars.
The inaugural issue of Volupté for Spring 2018 will be on the theme of voluptuousness in the context of Decadence, ancient and modern. We invite a variety of interpretations of this theme, but are particularly interested in contributions that explore the voluptuous body, voluptuous beauty, or voluptuous form in Decadent literature and visual art. Submissions might, for example, focus on the figure of the Decadent voluptuary or correlated notions of luxuriousness, sensuality, and indulgence. Volupté is a site where critical and creative contributions to the field are published together, and so we welcome poems and translations alongside scholarly essays and reviews.
We invite submissions of 7000-word articles by 31 December 2017. Please email your work for consideration to volupte@gold.ac.uk.
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