Organisers: Amy Evans (University of Kent) & Professor Robert Hampson (Royal Holloway, University of London)

The focus of the seminar is contemporary innovative poetry and its antecedents. The speakers are predominantly either final-year research students or early-career academics from a range of institutions. The seminar provides a challenging, well-informed, and critically supportive audience for both these groups. In other years, it has also aimed to create a dialogue between older academics (and poets) and these groups of young researchers.

In previous years, the Contemporary Innovative Poetry Research Seminars have explored a wide range of topics, with themes such as: Creative nonfiction: debates and directions, ‘Bridging the Gap – Stories and histories in translation’ and ‘The Rise of the Detective Novel’.

Speakers have included Dr Andrea Brady (QMW), Professor David Herd (Kent), Professor Will Rowe (Birkbeck), Professor Robert Sheppard (Edge Hill), Dr Keston Sutherland (Sussex), Dr Agnieszka Kluba (Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw), Professor Carol Watts (Birkbeck), Professor Jacob Edmonds (University of Otago, NZ), Dr Peter Jaeger (Roehampton), Professor Dorothy Wang, Dr Ian Davidson (Northumbria) and Professor Susan Rudy (Alberta).

The Contemporary Innovative Poetry Research Seminars will start from 27 September 2017, but to find out information on the Innovative Poetry Seminars for the 2017/18 academic year, you can follow the link to the IES website or go directly to the seminar schedule.