Organisers: Dr Derek Neale (Open University) & Dr Sally O’Reilly (Open University)

The research focus of this new, interdisciplinary group is on writing practices, their cultural contexts and impacts. We are interested in all forms of creative and academic writing, reflective practices, academic literacies, and translation as a creative act.

The Spring 2017 seminar series The Rise of the Detective Novel ran in February and March.

The Autumn 2016 seminar series was Creative nonfiction: debates and directions, while the Autumn 2015 seminar series addressed Creative writing research: an investigation. The Spring 2015 seminar series Styles of Writing, Styles of Thought: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Style? set out from the fundamental question “What is writing style?” Following on from the first seminar series on The Rise of Creative Writing, on Life Writing: Borderlands Between Fact and Fiction and on Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing (with a follow up event in May at The British Library – see further information), they have run further seminar series in collaboration with the IES.  Writing Funny – language, creativity and comedy  ran between October and December 2013 and The Short Story in the 21st Century in March and April 2014. The autumn 2014 seminar series was on New Historical Fiction in the 21st century (October – December 2014).

For European Literature Night VII on 13 May 2015 Dr. Fiona Doloughan chaired a workshop on Bridging the Gap – Stories and histories in translation. This follows 2013’s successful Panel Discussion involving writers and translators in conversation, and the panel in 2014 on Stories in Translation: Translating the Untranslatable, also in connection with European Literature Night.

The seminars will start from 17 October 2017, but to find out information on the series for the 2017/18 academic year, you can follow the link to the IES website or go directly to the seminar schedule.

If you wish to delve further into the Contemporary Cultures of Writing Seminars, then follow the link to their previous seminar schedule where you can find details on topics and themes discussed.