Please join the Institute of English Studies this June for a series of events focused on the ruler of the Regency romance, Georgette Heyer.

Writing Workshop: The Craft of Georgette Heyer
Monday, 18 June 2018, 1:00pm – 5:00pm, G11-12, Senate House

Georgette Heyer is much loved by readers for her characterisation, her humour, and her rollicking good pace. What can writers learn from Heyer by analysing her creative choices? This workshop will cover structural issues such as plot, pacing, and subplot; and characterisation issues such as internalisation and supporting cast, to help participants develop their writing toolkits, no matter what genre they write in. Please read Venetia before attending, as it will serve as our guide book for examples.

Led by Dr Kim Wilkins, Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Arts, University of Queensland. Kim is also the author of 30 novels, published in 20 languages.


  • £50 Standard
  • £30 Concessions (students/unwaged/retired)

The Nonesuch? Georgette Heyer and Her Historical Fiction Contemporaries
Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 9.15am – 5.30pm, Gustav Tuck Lecture Theatre, UCL

Plenary: Professor Kathryn Sutherland, Senior Research Fellow, St Anne’s College Oxford

This interdisciplinary conference is aimed primarily at exploring Heyer’s historical novels, but will also set her work in context with other contemporary female historical fiction writers, such as Norah Lofts, Margaret Irwin, Margaret Campbell Barnes, and Anya Seton, and with contemporary Regency romance. This conference will explore many aspects of Heyer’s historical works, including:

  • Sources and influences
  • Critical and popular reception
  • Class, gender and sexuality
  • Publishing and marketing histories

We hope that the day will be a combination of formal and informal sessions, and be a chance to meet other Heyer readers and discuss the impact of her work.


  • £55 Standard
  • £35 Concessions (Students / Unwaged / Retired)


